Dear 068ers:
In order to discuss health longevity and its connection to HBOT, is somewhat of an arduous process. I must discuss statistics, habits and disease processes of the human body at a minimum. The information I am presenting is a digest in my interpretation of three brilliant men that are scientists and doctors, who I believe understand the biology of human disease. They may or may not agree with anything I am going to discuss, as it is my interpretation of three separate scientists. Those three scientists and authors are Thomas N Seyfried, Michael Greger and Robert H. Lustig.
I will attempt to explain my thoughts in the most simple and straight forward manner that I can. Should you decide to read this article, please read slowly and be reflective of the implications of these ideas. Introducing new concepts can be treacherous for those who attempt it. “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it,” Upton Sinclair.
First let’s talk about statistics. Interestingly life insurance companies know little about medicine, but they have a tremendous amount of statistical information in order to make a determination in order to know how long we will live. They know when you will die, based on mathematical probability. The number one determinant by life insurance companies is respiratory capacity, theories of health and aging are not things that they worry about. By measuring your chest differential during inspiration and expiration they plot that number, with past medical history and your risk tendencies such as riding a motorcycle or jumping out of airplanes. From that they can determine fairly closely your date of expiration.
Now let’s talk about habits. We are all living Pinocchio lives, we have all been sent off to Treasure Island and we are having lots of fun. No one tells you the dark side of Treasure Island until it’s too late. It’s just a narrative that we’ve been sold on from childhood to old age. Some of it may be true, but most of it is not. Science is the only avenue that allows us to peek behind the curtain, and that avenue is closing fast. Medicine today is no longer about men of knowledge seeking truth, it is more about CEO, board of directors and stockholders. That makes medicine much more rigid and much harder to change.
Based on our health habits, and our increasingly more toxic environment and the standard American diet, we are being fed toxic food substances, living lives of increasing stress and lack of physical activity, these three things are extremely detrimental to the living cells in our bodies. liken it to our federal spending and our personal spending. The federal government can spend more than it has in its bank account, our personal spending is completely based on how much money we have in our bank account. Our brains can tell us to eat as much as we want, our cells are extremely fastidious, and can only accept a certain amount of substrate (food), for proper energy function. Should the cell be forced to accept more substrate. It is forced to modulate that problem. It can do this through the healthy form which is autophagy. Or the unhealthy form, which is fermentation. Autophagy is activated by not eating, fermentation is activated by eating too much.
What amazes me most, is that modem medicine always seems to back the wrong concepts in medical care. For instance, the theory of dietary fats versus sugar in the development of cardiovascular disease. The determination that cancer is a somatic nuclear (DNA disease), rather than the understanding of it as a cytoplasmic disease. Sadly because of these misunderstanding rates of cancer and cardiovascular diseases are increasing.
I begin with a preamble of the top three diseases, which are most devastating to human kind.
Diabetes 2: a de-sensitization of insulin (a hormone from the pancreas which drives food into our cells) to the cells of the human body. Our cells are like small motels along the road. When the motels are at full capacity, they put out a no vacancy sign on the cell membrane. Insulin knocks, but there is no answer. The sugar has to stay in the blood stream. This is dangerous and can lead to death. You are not feeling yourself, so you go to the doctor, he says you have Diabetes 2, and gives you pharmaceuticals, to force that blood sugar into your cell and cause your high blood sugar to drop. Great! You averted near death, but did you really make yourself healthier or just mask the problem of over eating and adding too much substrate in the human body.
Cancer: Current theory holds that cancer is a somatic nuclear disease. Scientific investigation indicates cancer development is a cytoplasmic fermentation. As it happens diabetics have much higher rates of cancer. It appears there are 3 effects which cause cancer. 1). Packing too much substrate into the cell. 2). Lack of respiratory capacity within the cell (not enough O2). 3). poisoning of your mitochondria.
Let’s unpack this: If you are a diabetic and forcing substrate into your cell, which that would otherwise not accept, you may tip off cytoplasmic reaction, so the cell may reduce its storage and create energy. Sounds like a plan. It begins a fermentation process in the cytoplasm which creates energy. This is now the corner store of cancer.
If you damage your mitochondria by consuming too many big gulp drinks with large amounts of high fructose syrup, or spending too much time at your local bar, or liquor store. You may be damaging the mitochondria. Making them non functional. Again substrate backs up into your cytoplasm and presto “fermentation begins”, and you are on your way to developing one of various cancers.
You may have a poor vascular system or a poor pulmonary system, or both. You are not gathering enough O2 to your cells’ mitochondria (respiratory capacity). Your mitochondria are just like an airport entrance. Inside the mitochondria, is a waiting room we call the endoplasmic reticulum, which looks like the circuitous pathway into TSA agents. The substrate is waiting to be linked to oxygen, just like the TSA agent links you to your ID card. Lets say there are 5 TSA agents, and three go on lunch break, the airport will back up. In our cells we are leaving more and more substrate outside in the cytoplasm. Yes! Again fermentation begins, and cancer cells form.
Thirdly, we know that fructose is toxic to mitochondrial function, thereby decreasing the numbers of mitochondria within ourselves. Furthermore, it increases activation of MTOR which increases cell division.
Cardio Vascular Disease: Cardiology treats disease with extreme complexity. Yet, an ounce of prevention is as we know is worth many pounds of cure. Current theory holds that cardiovascular disease and peripheral vascular disease is a lipid disease. Most scientists today believe it is a sugar related disease. It appears so serious and complex, but yet the cure is so simple, let me explain, we have all these plaques that form within our blood vessels. They calibrate your vascular health based on the number of calcifications or dots that they count throughout your vascular system. Based on current theory, it shouldn’t be dots, it should be generalized closure of the lumen throughout the vascular system, but it isn’t. What is it, what’s causing these dots?
Well the vascular system is a lumen and there is actually a whole science to fluid going through the lumen, based on the particle size and shape. It may go to the periphery like platelets or to the center like hemoglobin. Our vessels are lined with platelets throughout the vascular system.
Some bacteria are shaped like platelets, and if they get into the vascular system (through gastro intestinal system most common) they have a shot at nestling in between the platelets before the microphages can get to them. When this happens, they set up a home impervious to the immune system, because the platelets protect them on the outside and the endothelial cells protect them from the inside forming a rudimentary cyst. This microcosm of organisms are temporarily protected until they grow large enough, the platelets break away. The immune system attacks the bacteria but the endothelium is left damaged and inflamed and that is when the endothelium is subject to lipid pathways leading to calcification and hardening of arteries. Think of it as subclinical Rheumatic Fever, just a different bacteria type, and very low grade. Unfortunately antibiotics are too large and bulky and cannot enter the center portion of these cysts within the lining of the endothelium. To be sure, I take responsibility for this theory, but I am 99% sure I am correct. Sadly, I think rarely, but when I am thinking, I am usually right. High glucose levels feed the bacteria very well, causing large cysts and increasing inflammation of the endothelial lining. If we can believe that E = MC2 we may believe that cardiovascular disease is of bacterial/sugar origin.
I could go on, but I will end my preamble here.
So what is 3.0 medicine? Based on the knowledge of what I have already explained to you, I have an answer, which can help correct chronic disease.
In the final analysis current research has correlated with what I have observed over my clinical practice. As a young surgeon at Stamford hospital, many times I would perform facial reconstruction on post cancer patients with prior radiation, in order to prevent osteo radio necrosis, I would refer them for hyperbaric oxygen therapy, per the Marx protocol. I was successful with my surgeries and did not develop osteo radio necrosis. Beyond that, I found that the cancer patients that received hyperbaric oxygen therapy went far beyond their survival rate compared to those cancer patients I did not give hyperbaric oxygen therapy. I believe now that I accidentally cured their cytoplasmic and mitochondrial problems and suppressed their tumor cells via killer oxygen species (ROS) as well. That experience and brilliant research of Thomas N. Seyfried is what leads me here to you today.
HBOT is a curative. A very uncommon event is today’s medicine. It will:
1. Oxygen treats mitochondrial dysfunction there by resolving metabolic disease and its consequences.
2. Improve respiratory capacity
3. Improve cellular respiration
4. Create healthy angiogenesis
5. Create healthy neurogenesis
6. It significantly improves balance & coordination
7. O2 is an omniscient antibiotic (it gets into every aspect of living tissue) it kills all pathogens of bacterial, fungal, and parasitic origins.
8. It strengthens the lymphocytes and macrophages. Thereby creating an individual more resistant to viral disease.
9. Research has shown it increases telomeres (the tip of your DNA). Which is effectively the time clocks of your cells.
10. It is effective for treatment of Strokes, Dementia, Neuropathies & even Alzheimer’s disease. Due Angiogenesis it effectively treats microvascular disease of the brain, eyes, ears, heart, kidney and skin.
11. It treats and cures non healing ulcers.
12. It is excellent for pre and post surgical care.Reducing and improving better healing in shorter periods of time.
13. It stops the development of damage to our endothelium, thereby stopping progression of cardiovascular disease, thanks to its antibiotic nature.
14. If cytoplasmic theory holds true, it may decrease or forestall cancer or the redeveloping of cancer.
Give us a call, we can develop an anti-aging protocol specifically for you.
This is a unique proprietary commercial facility, developed by Dr. Sciarrino in order to make hospital grade hyperbaric oxygen therapy available to all individuals.
Remember life is a Gift!
Dr. Joe Sciarrino
Federal State and Town certified hyperbaric oxygen therapy facility.
Dr. Joseph Sciarrino, is a graduate of Emory University with a Bachelor’s Degree in chemistry. He went to Emory Dental School & New York Medical College and did his residency and finished as chief of surgery in 1988. He has had a career at Stamford Hospital & private practice for over 30 years. He is also an anesthesiologist, and plans to continue being of service to others, throughout his retirement, as long as he continues to produce ATP (energy). He considers himself a surgeon, but most importantly a conceptualist.