When trying to find fun ideas for summer backyard time, I found a few ideas I thought were clever and fun! Since I am not a DYI person, if it was not easy, I moved on. Here are 3 ideas that with a little time and easy to find materials, you can make magic for kids or adults. —Dee Dee Colabella
First You Need: Lots of large balloons String Broom handle or other pinata stick
Then you play!So, this one is a matter of filling the balloons up with water. Don’t fill them too much because you don’t want them to break too easily. Tie them to strings and hang them from a tree or cloths taught close line.
Then take turns being spun around, stick in hand, and hit the balloons until they pop.
First You Need: Spray paint (5 Colors) 6-inch piece of rope Tape
Then you play!Mark the rope at the centers of your circle. Then paint circles where the marks are. Then, move the rope 18 inches from the center of the first circle marks and change color. Making a circle at every mark. Repeat until you have 5 or more lines of circles. Once your board is done, and the spray paint has dried completely, play Twister!
First You Need: Styrofoam Ping pong balls 40 solo cups Fill the cups with your favorite beverageThen you play!Build 2 sets of the following ships with styrofoam: 2 five-hole ships, 2 three-hole ships, 4 four-hole ships, 2 two-hole ships. Cut a solo cup right at the height of the styrofoam, then use that as the template to cut out the holes. Place the cups inside the holes and start to play by the same rules as conventional Battleship. When you get a “hit,” you drink!