Dear 068ers:
Happy Holidays!
Aesthetics is not a mask we wear to fool people to believe we are younger than we are. It is empowerment, it’s biofeedback. When we look good, we feel good. When we feel good, it leads us to a more authentic life. Being authentic is not about the number of wrinkles in our face. Authenticity comes from an understanding of a relationship with ourselves and expressing that. Yes!! That’s what we’re about.
With that in mind, I would like to introduce an important member of our team, Dr. Anthony Alessi. Although we do share important educational DNA, he is younger, smarter, and better looking than me, which somehow, I’m okay with. He’s a graduate of Adelphi College and University of Pennsylvania in Dental Medicine. He then went on to Lenox Hill Hospital and Westchester Co Medical Center, New York Medical College, General Surgery at Westchester, ending in plastic surgery fellowship at Grant Medical Center at Ohio State University. I am pleased to have Dr. Alessi with us at the Gift Medical Spa.
We had great fun doing this Abbey Road photoshoot. I hope you all like it. We are channeling the Beatles. The Beatles changed music in the 60’s. We want to change medical care in the same way in the 2020’s.
Prior to antibiotics, we were medical 1.0. After the discovery of penicillin, we have been medicine 2.0 for almost a century. Prior to penicillin, people died fast from infections or trauma, or both. Generally, they lived between 30 & 50 years of age. Post-penicillin, we live longer, averaging 80 years, approximately twice the age of the people of the 1800’s. Now, we die slowly of chronic disease, cardiac disease, diabetes, dementia, cancer – the list goes on. We consider this a normal cause of aging. It is NOT aging. Most of us leave 30-50 years of healthy living on the table. That’s right, our genes should take us to approximately 120.
My job is to usher medicine 3.0. Medicine 3.0 is a combination of cellular health and prevention. Remember the saying, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care.” Medical care 2.0 is heavily invested in the pound of cure idea, and it’s literally breaking the bank.
We consider “normal aging” as a mask of chronic diseases. We believe that if we can develop and maintain healthy cellular function, and moderately improve epigenetic health, you will not develop chronic disease. You will have healthy, happy cells that will take you much, much closer to that 120 mark.
When medicine 4.0 is upon us – it will take place someday – we will be able to powerfully impact our epigenetic state, allowing our DNA to have full robust function, but we will always require cellular health as the corner stone of good health.
We should be able to do as well as our mammal cousins, the whales, which live anywhere between 120 to 160 years of age, and this is without medical care. As always, if you can change your thinking, you can change the path of your existence. •