I n my pursuit of which March/April holiday or event to focus on, I thought of all the regular holidays that we think of easily such as St. Patrick’s Day, April Fools Day and or course Passover and Easter. As I hunted, I wanted this to be fun, more than what you would expect. Then it happened, I found Awkward Moments Day. I honestly must admit, I had never heard of this obscure day of note, (AWKWARD) but now it is on my calendar to celebrate all those awkward moments throughout the year. But now what can you do with such interesting but seemingly useless information? I found Hashtags on the site after clicking on it to explore the treasures of the day. I went to my social media, input #Awkwardmomentsday and #nationalawkwardmomentsday and the fun began! Not only do celebrities like the Bacon Brothers post on this hashtag but there are FUN memes that can keep you busy and not to mention leave an opportunity for a hardy laugh (snort).
But wait, there are more fun holidays in March – such as National Pig Day and National Cheese Doodle Day.
The list for March was extensive and fun, but I must admit my favorite for April must be Talk Like Shakespeare Day on April 23rd. Use this translator below and go!
So wend f’rth and findeth thy by fate day which shall keepeth thy days joyful! •
Have you missed Grandparents Day or Flag Day on the calendar? Just can’t keep those dates fresh in your mind? I have discovered the solution to this problem in the form of a COMPLETE Days of the Year Calendar.
Never miss an important day again with www.daysoftheyear.com!