On my way into work one morning, I was listening to ESPN radio and I heard a reference to the late, great North Carolina State Basketball Coach Jim Valvano’s iconic, “Don’t Give Up, Don’t Ever Give Up” speech from the 1993 ESPY Awards. No matter how many times I hear it, that speech gives me goosebumps. It is filled with anecdotes of perseverance, determination, and fortitude. Moreover, it is a speech centered on hope and inspiration. The very attributes that are synonymous with the start of a new school year. As educators we are one of the only true professions that are provided with an opportunity to start over. A new school year brings opportunities for us to help our students see and find the very best of themselves. The attributes of resilience, confidence, and self-worth are echoed and reinforced by educators with one simple sentence; “I believe in you.” As parents and educators, we should never expect anything more than a child’s best effort. Challenging students to do and give their best is a sustained effort and partnership between home and school. It is certainly a cherished partnership at our school.